
Showing posts from November, 2017

Hans Rosling

In class today, we watched a video with Hans Rosling teaching us about Global Health. He told us that the x axis measures life expectancy from 25 to 50 to 75 years. Then he told us that the y axis is wealth and that is measured from 400 to 4000 to 40000 dollars. The poor and sick groups were in the lower left of the graph. And in the upper right corner is the rich and wealthy class. In 1810 the UK and the Netherlands were the 2 richest classes in the world at that time. During the middle of the video we talked about the flu and how many people dies from it. 10,000 people died from the flu and the people who dies from it were the younger kids and the older people. Another thing that made the nations drop was World War 1 but once the world ended the nations went back to the top of the life expectancy. When the video was made 1948 was the time when the nations were wider than ever but now in 2017 on the nations will be wider than ever. We also talked about how in the world there are not a...

Ted ed

In class today, we learned more about population pyramids. We learned that in Japan over the years the population will decrease. Then we talked about the definitions of different industrial time periods. They were Pre- industrial, industrial, and postindustrial. Pre- industrial is when the state hasn't reached a point and, so they don't have if factories or many jobs yet. Industrial is when people have jobs and are making money. Post- industrial is when people have jobs but there are not enough jobs for people who don’t have jobs. As a country gets industrialized the life expectancy goes up but the child mortality rate goes down. Another thing that changes is rural and urban living. In the rural areas the population goes down but in the urban areas the population goes up because there are more jobs in the cities.

Test return

In class today, we went over our tests. I now understand why I got the questions wrong and how I can study the correct answers for midterms. I like how we go over the test because it helps me better remember things and helps me know what I have to study for midterms. After we went over the test we talked a little more about the extra credit and how our class has more people paying then the honors class, so far. I just loaned some money for a person who has 5 days left but now she only needs 50 more dollars, so I feel good about helping this person.  Once we finished going over the extra credit we were allowed to either do the extra credit if you haven’t done it yet, or talk to people around you.   

Kiva extra credit

Kiva is a website that allows for people who need a loan to produce something or help their community. Kiva does this by putting how much money the people need to do the task they need to do, and then people can go onto the website and loan money to the people who need it. Once the person completes the task they needed to be done the money will be returned to the loaner. But before you decide if you want to loan your money to this person you can learn more about why they need the money and you can see if the reasoning is a good reason to need the money.  Kiva has about $2.5 million loans each week, this shows that a lot of people use this website, but it also shows that the money will always be returned to the loaner.  One person who needs a loan is Melancio. He needs a loan of $275 to buy pesticides, fertilizers, insecticides, and for land preparation of his farm. The description says that he is 42 years old and has a family with 6 kids. He has been farming for 10 yea...


Today in class we talked about how we could do extra credit and how this is a onetime chance to do it because we usually never get an option to do extra credit. The minimum amount of extra credit we could get was five points and the maximum amount of points we could get is 15. We can get five extra credit points is by describing a site that allows for you to loan people money for a good cause. another way to earn ten points of extra credit is to write an essay and then loan 25 dollars to a person who we think needs it. After we loan the 25 dollars then we will receive an email from the organization and we will have to forward it to Mr. Schick to show him we paid the 25 dollars. And the final way to get extra credit is that if our class gives more loans the other class. 

Test Today

We had a test in class today. I feel like I did well on it because I studied a lot and I knew most of the answers. We had two bonus point questions and I think I got the second bonus question right but the first one I'm not sure if I got that right. I knew the push and pull factor examples but for the push factors I didn't know which countries to use but I think I got the examples right. I also think I did well on the math part of the test. The part I feel like I didn’t know to well was selecting which state had the highest total fertility rate and knowing which state went with which population pyramid. But other than those questions I feel like I did well on the test.

Test Monday

We finished up our projects today and my group went first. I felt like we did a good job explain some of the things in our power point, but I also felt like I did not do as well explaining the project. But after we went two another people went and they both went for the B grades, but their project was still good. After everyone finished the presentations we went over some things that could be on the test. I felt like I will do well on the test because I have a lot of time to study and I know a lot of the definitions now, I also know how to use the CIA website which we will need for the first 15 questions. While we were going over what was going to be on the test someone was playing a game on their lap top and he got caught so he was given a frowny face for today on Veracross because he was disrupting the class. 

More Presentations

Today in class we had four people so the second pop quiz, and these were the people who did not take the second pop quiz yet. After that we did more presentations, but the presentations today were not as prepared as they were yesterday. Some of the ones today were less descriptive and didn't include all the things needed. I felt like the ones from yesterday were gave better information. After the first couple projects we looked at different organizations and how each different organization helped people in different ways. My group and another group still have to present tomorrow. But I think my group will do well because we worked hard on the project.

Population Pyramid Projects

In class today, we went presented out population pyramid projects. Only 3 groups went, but my group will be preforming tomorrow. For the projects we had to compare different organizations and one of the best organization was called This organization helped 1.1 million people increase their agriculture and productivity. Then we learned a new word, the word is Food Insecurities, this is when people from a day to day or week to week basis don't have enough nutritional food to eat to allow them to stay alive.   I am excited to preset tomorrow because I think we did our project well.

Population Project Link

Population Pyramids

In class today, we talked about how we could have done better on the quiz and what could have been changed to help us to better. Then after that we had the exact same pop quiz, but we changed some of the things that could help us. So, by the end of the quiz most of us got 100s, and the other thing that helped was the quiz being the same questions. After we went over the quiz we learned about a project that we must do. During the after we learned about what we were supposed to do we split into groups and worked on it. Because we didn’t finish out group has to work on the project over the weekend.

Pop quiz

Before class started we had a fire drill which took up a lot of our class time. But after the fire drill we meet the shadows and took a pop quiz on what we have learned so far. Some of the questions on the quiz were about the population in numbers, but the last three questions were population in graphs. I thought that the graphs were harder to decide which country belonged to which graph because it is hard for me to tell know which goes with which. But for the rest of the quiz I felt like I understood that better. Once we were done with the quiz we talked about how there were parent teacher conferences tonight and Mr. Shick asked us what we wanted him to say if our parents asked how we were doing in the class.

Population Pyramids

In class today, we talked more about population pyramids. We used a website and looked at the world population and compared it to what it was about five years ago then we looked at what it was five years from now. After we look at the world population we looked at different cities and what their shape looked like. We saw that the cities with colleges had more people around the age of 20, this graph usually looked like a Christmas tree. Then we saw that in Florida there were more people around the age of 70. This was an example of a cup because that is where a lot of people go to retire so there are more old people living in Florida then in most other places. Lastly, we looked at the USA and that was shaped like a box. This shows that we are split evenly throughout all ages.

Population Pyramids

 T oday in class we use population pyramids to analyze growth (or decline) of fertility, mortality, and migration in cities. The three basic shapes are the Christmas tree, the box, and the cup. The Christmas tree shows a developing nation. The growth rates are usually slow. It has a high birth rate but a short life expectancy rate, some countries that are like this are Bangladesh, and Namibia. The next pyramid we learned about was the box pyramid this is a developed nation, so the growth is slow. It has a low infant mortality rate and long-life expectancy. Some examples are USA, and Sweden. The last one we went over was the cup, this is also a developed nation with negative growth. It has a low birth rate and the population is shrinking, it also has a low life expectancy rate. The examples are Japan, and Italy. 

Total Fertility Rate

The definition of total fertility rate is the average number of children born per women in her life time. For a population to remain the same, the TFR must be 2.1, if it is higher than 2.1 than the population is increasing but if it is lower than the population decreasing. We learned that the world TFR from last year was 2.4. The US TFR is 2.01 so that means that the population is decreasing. But in Nigeria the population is decreasing a lot because the TFR is 6.89.  In Germany the TFR is low, but they are trying to get more people to move to Germany. So, people from Turkey go to Germany to get a job and this is helping Germany with their low population. After we wrote notes we answered questions using the World Fact Book from the CIA website. We found out that the infant mortality rate in the US is 5.8 and we are ranked 169 in the world. I also learned that there are 326,625,791 people in the US. One of the last things we learned was that 82.79% of Mexicans are Christian, and...