Kiva extra credit

Kiva is a website that allows for people who need a loan to produce something or help their community. Kiva does this by putting how much money the people need to do the task they need to do, and then people can go onto the website and loan money to the people who need it. Once the person completes the task they needed to be done the money will be returned to the loaner. But before you decide if you want to loan your money to this person you can learn more about why they need the money and you can see if the reasoning is a good reason to need the money.  Kiva has about $2.5 million loans each week, this shows that a lot of people use this website, but it also shows that the money will always be returned to the loaner. 

One person who needs a loan is Melancio. He needs a loan of $275 to buy pesticides, fertilizers, insecticides, and for land preparation of his farm. The description says that he is 42 years old and has a family with 6 kids. He has been farming for 10 years and he owns the farm to make income for the family. This shows that he needs the money not only for the farm but his family as well. 

Another person is Clarita, she is 62 years old and lives in the Philippines. She manages a business to make an income for her family and she manages a sari-sari store in her community. She asks for a loan to make her business stronger and make a better profit for her family. 

This website shows that there are a lot of people who need money to help their family or their community. The website allows for people to see where the person in need lives which may influence the loaner who may want to help, because if the loaner sees that the person lives in America and wants money for something little compared to someone who lives in the Philippines and needs money to help keep their family healthy, then this would probably make the loaner want to help the person in the Philippines.


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