Think Global, Act Global

Today in class we had a sub, so we looked at the blog and wrote notes about it. In the blog I learned that geographers tend to see broad patterns at a global scale and encompassing the entire world. I learned the quote thinking globally and acting locally in more detail too. I learned that it means that he environment was being harmed by processes such as a global warming that were in global scale, but it could be improved by actions, such as consuming less gasoline, that were in local scale. I also learned that globalization means that the scale of the world is shrinking, the world is shrinking in ability of a person, object, or ides to interact with a person. I had to find two different definitions of globalization, one of the ones I found was the act of extending to all the other parts if the world. The second definition I found was worldwide integration and development. Lastly, we had to find different items and find out where they came from and the items brand name, one of the things I picked an I-phone. Apple made the phone, apple is from California, the phone was also made in California. The other item I choose was my laptop. Lenovo made this laptop, the company, the laptop was made in Hong Kong. 


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