Site ans Situation part 2

Today we learned how site and situation affected peoples life. An example of site is in ancient Rome they choose their area on where to settle. They chose that by seeing where enemies could come and attack, they choose to be on a hill because they could see the ocean and if the enemies are coming in. They also chose that spot because they could use the river for trade an get into other peoples territories with out being spotted. Another example of site is Huston Texas, before Huston was a city  it was all grassland, so when a hurricane came the grass would soak up the water and there wouldn't be as much flooding. But now the floods are worse because there is not as much grassland so the floods get worse because the grass doesn't soak up the water. An example of situation is when you use common locations to explain where other locations are. It could also help us understand importance of certain places by explain other places that ate like that place.


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