
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Syllabus

In the syllabus I learned about everything for the Human Geography class. I learned that I needed to have my laptop, pen or pencil, and composition book. I also learned about the rules of the class and what is expected of me in this class. I learned about the grading policies and that I get no extra credit, and that homework and classwork can be worth up to 25 points and tests can be worth 100 points. If any papers are turned in late they will get 10% taken off them so everything must be turned in on time. I know that if I have any questions to ask about the class I should go to the TV studio first and then to the Human Geo. class.

The First Day of School

The fist day of school was fun. It was fun because I got to meet new people and meet all of my teachers. I liked the freshman kick start a lot because I meet so many new friends and I got to see around the school and where all of my classes were. I was kind of nervous to go to school today because I didn't know my schedule that well and I didn't want to get lost and show up to class late.  I was also kind of scared about lunch because I didn't know how all of the rules worked in the lunch room.I was sad though because I was going to miss all of my friends who are going to a different school but I will be able to see them on weekends so it wont be as sad. But today I was able to understand everything a lot better then before and I am looking forward to this school year.