
Last Semester Test

We had our last Human Geo test today. I think I did well on matching the leaders to the states, and I feel like I did well on the second part of the test. But on the last part I didn't know some of the answers. For example, one of the questions asked which leader had a daughter who went to Harvard, and I didn't know but I now know the answer is China. One of the first questions was who is the leader of Germany and who is the leader of the United Kingdom, I got those two confused at first, but I remembered that Germany had a chancellor and her name was Angela, so I knew which leader went to which state. 

World Leaders

Today in class we talked in more detail about the world leaders we are going to have a test on tomorrow. First, we talked about the leader of France, which is Emmanuel Macron. He is the youngest president in the history of France and he married his teacher. Next, we talked about the leader of Japan, Shinzo Abe, his father and grandfather were positions and he was elected in September 2012.  After the Japan leader we talked about the President of Italy his name is Sergio Mattaella. He was born in Palermo and his brother died by the Sicilian Mafia. He was elected in January 2015. We also talked about the leaders of Syria, Canada, Israel, United States, Kenya, South Korea, and North Korea. Tonight I am going to study a lot so I can do well on this test. 


I left early from school yesterday so i missed class, and i couldn't remember if we had to blog if we were absent so i am just in case. But i did turn in my project and asked my friends what we did, and they said that we just went over world leaders.

World Leaders

In class today, we went over some of what we did yesterday but for most of the class we talked about our project and what we had to do to get an A. We talked about what countries we had to look up about the country. The things were a map of where it is, the type of government it has, the name of the president, the title and the official photo of the president. After we talked about what we had to do we had the rest of the class to work on it. I finished some of the project in class and now I just must work on the pictures and the titles. 

Political Geography

In class today, we learned about how the world was organized, it is organized in this order, country, nation, and then State. a country is an identifiable land area. A nation is a population (group of people) with common culture. And a State is a population under a single government and it can be synonymous with "country". A better definition of nation is groups of people, larger than a single tribe or community, which may share a common language, institution, religion, and/or historical experience. For independent states there are multiple short definitions some examples are, has space or territory which has internationally recognized boundaries, have people who live there on an ongoing basis, has the power of social engineering, such as education, has sovereignty which means that no state should have power over another state, etc.

Review Day

In class today, we didn't really do any work, but we went over the questions that could be on the mid-term. Some of the questions on the test could be about cartography, site, and location. We talked about Greenwich time which is where the prime meridian runs through and the main spot of the time zones. There are 27 different time zones and GPS stands for Global Positioning System. We looked up how many people are in the world and there were 7.4 billion people. After we talked about the multiple-choice questions we talked about the essay question. So, we talked about the different stages and what countries are in those stages. 

Review Day

We had a sub today in class so all we did was make quizlets and looked all our blogs over. For my quizlet I looked over all my tests and after i finish copying the test questions onto the quizlet I am going to look at the blogs and then through my notebook. Then, i am going to look at all the diagrams and maps on the blog and try to memorize most of them. After the quizlet is done i am going to study the quizlet as much as i can so i can do well on the exam.